blog:Team Members Archive | Page 5 of 8 | Eastside Dodge
Pranjee Bhat

Pranjee was born and raised in India. He has been in the automotive industry for 5 years and has worked with Eastside Dodge since 2016. Pranjee loves playing cricket in his spare time. Whenever Pranjee can a free moment, he loves to sing all the Bollywood hits to his family and friends. Pranjee is passionate […]
Calvin Walz

Calvin Walz has been an integral part of the Eastside team since 2012. He comes to us from the rental car industry where he held various Senior Management roles for over 9 years. Calvin finds great fulfillment in listening and taking care of his customers' wants and needs. The Eastside Dodge Fleet Department is the […]
Derek McLeod

Originally from a small town in Alberta, Derek began his sales experience working for a local electronics store. He soon realized his knack for sales and desired to branch out in search of something new. Derek moved to Calgary and worked for 9 years at Visions Electronics. He eventually made it to Eastside Dodge where […]